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In March 2023, the bustling city of Valencia, Spain, became a hub for e-learning innovation. It played host to the important IDOL  project meeting, held at the University of Valencia. Representatives from the European e-Learning Institute, Momentum, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, and FOLK University attended this key meeting.

The central focus of the meeting was the finalisation of the PR2 Toolkit, the result of collaborative efforts, this toolkit showcases the synergy of these esteemed institutions and their shared commitment to e-learning excellence.

Planning for the Hackathon Guide was another significant aspect of the meeting. A comprehensive workplan was outlined, setting the path for a resource aimed at fostering creativity and technical skills in the dynamic world of hackathons.

Not forgetting the Spanish charm, the partners took some time to immerse themselves in Valencia's vibrant culture. A tour of the Cultural Centre La Nau and a taste of delightful Spanish cuisine added a dash of cultural flavor to the professional meet.

In summary, the IDOL project meeting was a celebration of collaboration, innovation, and cultural exchange. It marked a milestone in the journey towards transforming the future of e-learning.

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