Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor National Agency can be held responsible for them.

The digital campus is as important as a traditional face-to-face university life and learning, research by digital design innovation agency Great State has found.

The study of more than two thousand students currently attending higher education institutions reveals 91% think what their university offers in terms of digital services should be as strong as face-to-face lectures and life on the physical campus.

The level of expectation of a university’s digital learning and wider digital service delivery was highlighted by the finding that 68% of current students think their universities should be able to offer digital services that are as good as Facebook, Amazon and Netflix.

Students also expect universities to provide digital platforms offering more than learning support, to encompass services that support things like wellbeing and encourage a sense of community. Additionally, 90% of students say a good digital experience aids academic performance.

The majority – 93% – say they expect universities to offer a digital experience that combines campus information, services and support as well as information and services from the local area and relevant external organisations.

To discover more about the study above, follow link to the original article:

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